We are excited to bring a little more normalcy to our lunch periods for students. Starting on Tue. 9/8, local eateries will be rotating additional lunch options for SJO students under the football field bleachers. Interested students should bring cash to purchase items.
over 4 years ago, Gary Page
Bus students: If you ride one of the grade school buses home from school in the afternoon ( bus 10, 12, 17, or 19) the bus will pick you up from the high school at 2:20 instead of 3:00, starting today. Please let the office know if you have any questions.
over 4 years ago, Gary Page
Welcome Back to our Columbia Blue Students who are here for their 1st day of the 20-21 school year! Great to see students back in classrooms. Outstanding start to the school year by our students, staff, & community during challenging times!! Make the most of our opportunities!
over 4 years ago, Mr. Brooks
We FINALLY have students back in our classrooms after 156 days!! Awesome to see students getting instruction inside the classroom. Great start Maroon Group! Looking forward to seeing Columbia Blue Group tomorrow!
over 4 years ago, Mr. Brooks
We are very excited to have students back into classrooms on August 17. We’d like to share a couple of procedural items with you to ensure we are able to follow our safety guidelines due to COVID 19. Students will not be allowed entrance into the building before 7:45 AM. In order to expedite the student check in / screening process we are asking students to enter the building at designated locations assigned by class. Seniors – Commons Doors Juniors – Main Gym Doors Sophomores – Band Hallway Doors Freshmen – Circle Drive
over 4 years ago, Gary Page
The SJO Reopening Plan was updated with a slight change per the Health Department's Request. Students/Staff will need a letter from the Health Dept (not a Doctor) in order to return from a Covid related absence. Here is link to the updated plan: https://5il.co/jdqa
over 4 years ago, Mr. Brooks
SJO is happy to announce our new website is up and running! As part of our website there is a mobile app available which will enable you to receive push notifications from the school. Simply search SJO Spartans on your tablet or smartphone and download the app.
over 4 years ago, Gary Page
Information and instructions for school registration are being sent via mail today. Please keep an eye out for the mailing as it contains important information that will be needed to register for the 2020-21 school year.
over 4 years ago, Gary Page
Excited to get 20-21 school year started Aug 17! Sat in on our School Improvement Team meeting, & couldn't be more proud of our teachers on the team as well as Mr. Page & Mr. Franzen. Many concerns shared, but all centered around ONE thing: our STUDENTS. Proud Superintendent.
over 4 years ago, Mr. Brooks
Reopening Plan for 2020-2021 School Year https://5il.co/ijfo
over 4 years ago, Veronica Harbaugh
The Class of 2020 graduation video can be viewed on Youtube. https://youtu.be/5jbICZrIYko
over 4 years ago, Veronica Harbaugh
congratulation class of 2020
Good afternoon!
over 4 years ago, Saint Joseph-Ogden High School
A row of colorful chalk.
The 2020 yearbook is now on sale! Yearbooks are $55 with additional options available. Click here to order Yearbooks Purchased as of 5/25/20 List Contact Mrs. Harbaugh with any questions. gaunav@sjo.k12.il.us
over 4 years ago, Saint Joseph-Ogden High School
Graphic with a photo of a yearbook and the words, "Order Your Yearbook!"
SJO students and incoming freshmen: If you are interested in conditioning/working out this summer with other SJO students and coaches, please contact the following SJO coaches. Workouts will begin on Wednesday, June 10th at St. Joseph-Ogden High School.
over 4 years ago, Saint Joseph-Ogden High School