Picture Retake Day is Tuesday, October 29. Anyone who did not get their picture taken on the original picture date needs to get their picture taken, even if you do not wish to order pictures. If you were unhappy with your original pictures, you can bring in your original picture package and get a retake. To order retakes, go to https://inter-state.com/order and use code 87853CD.
Picture retake day will be Tuesday, October 29, not October 23 (as stated in the planner).
Do you want to see your pictures in the yearbook? Upload pictures that you have taken at games, club meetings, events, or just around the school to the Photo Share website https://photos.jostens.com/EKPJFB. We would love to see the pictures you have taken for the dress up days this week!
The St. Joseph-Ogden fall sports awards night is set for Tuesday, November 12th in the main gym at 7:00 PM. We hope to see everyone there. Good luck Spartans!
Interstate Studios will be here next week to take team and individual pictures for the fall sports. Pictures can be ordered at inter-state.com/order using code 90970PA. We will use the following schedule:
Monday 9/9: 3:10 Soccer, 3:30 Golf;
Thursday 9/12: 3:10 Cross Country, 3:30 Football, 3:50 Volleyball, 4:15 Cheerleading, 4:30 Tennis
Today, 08/20/2024, is Picture Day! Shipping and handling charges may apply to orders placed after Picture Day. Order now at https://inter-state.com/FlyerEntry/87853FF.
The SJO All Athletic fundraiser and parent meeting is on Monday, August 12th at 6:30 PM in the main gym. We hope to see all SJO student athletes and parents at this meeting to communicate expectations and to handout the All Athletic fundraiser packets to everyone. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Justin Franzen at franzenj@sjo.k12.il.us
August 23, 2024, Fall Kick-Off Order of Events Schedule:
5:25 PM- National Anthem for SJO Football scrimmage vs. Tuscola on Dick Duval Field
5:30 PM-Football Scrimmage starts at 5:30-7:00 PM on Dick Duval Field vs. Tuscola
7:15 PM-Football Scrimmage Complete
-Introductions of teams on the track to take place right after the football scrimmage is over (have your teams here & lined up by 6:45 PM).
-Fall Coaches/Sponsors will introduce their staffs and team members and will be in this order:
1 – Freshman Football
2 – Varsity Football
3 – Cheerleaders
4 – Cross Country
5 – Soccer JV
6 – Soccer V
7 - Marching Band
8 - Girls Tennis
9 - Golf
7:15 PM– National Anthem for Volleyball in the Main Gym and Announcements
(Staff & Team introductions by Coach McDonald -FR 1st, JV 2nd, VAR 3rd)
7:20 PM-Volleyball Scrimmage starts (FR, JV, Varsity) (a few announcements will be made between matches)
7:20 PM- Soccer scrimmage will start
8:30 PM-Soccer and Volleyball Scrimmages Complete
Good luck Spartans!
Graduation will be broadcast on the NFHS Network. Use the following link to watch https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/st-josephogden-high-school-st-joseph-il/evt64aafb815f
Honors Night will be broadcast on the NFHS Network tonight at 7:30pm. Use the following link to watch https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/st-josephogden-high-school-st-joseph-il/evtc097ffc7db
InterState Studios will be here during graduation practice on Friday, May 17 to take graduation pictures. You can order pictures online at https://inter-state.com/order using code 86383V.
Check out our St. Joseph-Ogden summer camp registration page.
Here is the link below for the SJO summer volleyball camp hosted at St. Joseph-Ogden High School. We are very excited to host this event.
Here is the link below for the SJO summer cheer camp hosted at St. Joseph-Ogden High School. We are very excited to host this event!
Here is the link below for the SJO summer dance camp hosted at St. Joseph-Ogden High School. We are very excited to host this event.
InterState Studios will be at Prom to take individual, couple, and group pictures. See the attached images for picture package options.
InterState Studio will be here to take team and individual pictures on Thursday, 4/18, and Friday, 4/19. Pictures can be ordered ahead of time at inter-state.com/order using order code 81957NA. We will use the following schedule:
Thursday 4/18: 3:05 Boys Track; 3:25 Girls Track; 3:45 Dance.
Friday 4/19: 3:00 Baseball; 3:25 Softball.
InterState Studios will take team and individual pictures for the winter sports on Wednesday, January 31. Pictures can be ordered online at https://inter-state.com/FlyerEntry using code: 84973N
We will use the following schedule: 3:10 Boys Basketball, 3:25 Girls Basketball, 3:40 Wrestling, 3:55 Basketball Cheerleading.
Senior night for SJO boys basketball, cheer, and dance teams is on Tuesday, 2/6 vs. Rantoul. The senior night announcements will start right after the JV game is over. Good luck Spartans!
Picture retakes will be on Wednesday, October 25. This is for anyone who missed the original picture day or for anyone who would like to retake their original picture. Online ordering can be done at https://inter-state.com/FlyerEntry using code: 80088W.